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Il logo della Rete Veneto Equo, 20 tra cooperative e associazioni iscritte all’Elenco Regionale delle organizzazioni del Commercio Equo e Solidale.

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 31 ottobre 2017

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Cultural heritage of Veneto origin in the Mediterranean area

The Veneto Region, according to the Regional Law n. 1/2008, article 25, positively contributes to recover, preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of Veneto origin in the Mediterranean area.
The actions of Veneto Region aim at realizing the values of friendship and collaboration among peoples, which represent the purposes of its international activity, as well as intensifying, in particular, the close cultural relationships between the Veneto Region and the areas of the Mediterranean basin which Veneto populations historically got in touch with.

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 10 luglio 2017