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Il logo della Rete Veneto Equo, 20 tra cooperative e associazioni iscritte all’Elenco Regionale delle organizzazioni del Commercio Equo e Solidale.

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 31 ottobre 2017

istria and dalmatia istria and dalmatia

Istria and Dalmatia

The Veneto Region, in compliance with the Regional Law n. 15/1994, positively contributes to recover, preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of Veneto origin in Istria and Dalmatia.
The functioning of the Law is based on the setting up of a permanent Committee aiming at enhancing the Veneto cultural heritage in Istria and Dalmatia and which is responsible for providing the Veneto regional administration with appropriate scientific and technical support in the realization of the annual activity program.
The actions provided for by the Regional Law n. 15/94 represent the tools in order to assert the values of friendship and peaceful coexistence that Veneto, Istria and Dalmatia peoples have always shared; financial supports are mainly destined to local authorities of Veneto, Istria and Dalmatia, to Italian communities in Slovenia and Croatia and to a wide range of Veneto, Croatian and Slovenian cultural institutions and associations.

For any further updates see the link to the pages in Italian:

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 06 luglio 2017