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Il logo della Rete Veneto Equo, 20 tra cooperative e associazioni iscritte all’Elenco Regionale delle organizzazioni del Commercio Equo e Solidale.

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 31 ottobre 2017

fondazione venezia fondazione venezia

Venice Foundation for Research on Peace 

The Veneto Region supports and promotes the activities of Venice Foundation for research on peace - as it is provided for by article 17 of Regional Law No. 55 of 16 December 1999 - by funding them with annual amounts. 

The Foundation was established by the Region, in collaboration with other local bodies and institutions, in order to promote and organize research activities on the issues of safety, development and peace culture in the Countries of Mediterranean Basin and of the Alps Adriatic Working Community.

Among the activities of the Foundation there are: 

  • the organization of the yearly Showroom of Peace publishing in Venice 
  • the publication of Peace Yearbook 
  • the support to scholarships of "Alberico Gentil" research doctorate in international law at the University of Padua.

Reference persons:

Fondazione "Venezia per la ricerca sulla pace"
Campo della Chiesa n. 3
S. Elena Venezia
telephone: 041/2347678

Scientific person in charge: Maurizio Cermel

Scientific secretariat: Simona Pinton

Organizational secretariat: Maria Ventimiglia


Data ultimo aggiornamento: 22 gennaio 2013